My Story

And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

B Wilson

This is the credo owner and founder of B Wilson Beauty, B Wilson lives by and has built her award winning business on. While others dreamed of life in corporate america, B has always known her true calling was in the beauty industry.

So in 2004 when she formed Just B Beautiful and created the very first true beauty concierge company on the east coast. After graduating cosmetology school B has worked diligently to build her brand from the ground up and working with some of the best known companies along the way. Having experience in Special Event, Runway, Television and Film. To date our work can be seen on VH1, Ebony Magazine, Print, Ad Campaigns, Television, Film, and a host private Clientele, B Wilson is a force to be reckoned with in the beauty Industry.

As with most companies Covid hit hard and of course there were changes, the biggest one being the dissolution of Just B Beautiful. With Just B Beautiful being no more it gave B a chance to expand on her ever growing business portfolio and thus B Wilson Beauty was born. A true lifestyle and beauty platform to show the inner workings of the boss babe herself. On this platform B shares everything from her mid-week reset to the perfect smokey eye.

Fun Fact #1

Maecenas et semper odio. Nullam neque. In in eleifend sem, eget ornare eros. Donec aliquam, eros a scelerisque fermentum, eros neque aliquet purus, eget porttitor arcu sapien non felis.

Fun Fact #2

Sed rutrum volutpat eleifend. Pellentesque vieget nunc hendrerit fringilla. Fusce scelerisque vestibulum dui, convallis tempor risus. Donec bibendum molestie nisl id sollicitudin.

Fun Fact #3

Ue tristique eros ac justo porttitor, ac ornare felis ultricies. Phasellus cursus volutpat libero, eu pretium metus varius sit amet. Nulla massa nisl, viverra ut tellus et, aliquet aliquet risus.

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.

Yes, iT’S tRUE

You are in the right place & in the right time

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus rutrum viverra nulla ac auctor. Cras vel sollicitudin leo. Integer interdum ut velit sed venenatis. Aenean malesuada purus orci, in suscdolor elementuma.
